BULLDRILL® Portable Core Drill offers you opportunity to collect core samples from the depths in many layers of rock. With its’ unique design it is portable and provides you fast penetration rates and easy operating conditions.
BULLDRILL® Portable Core Drill has 15 to 20 m drilling depth capacity.
BULLDRILL® Portable Core Drill consists of seven parts; and these are engine, water supply system, diamond bits, extension rods, backpack, fuel tanks and core recovery equipment.
There are two core size options for BULLDRILL® Portable Core Drill which are 1” and 1,5”.
Why should I use BULLDRILL® Portable Core Drill;
Because it is portable; It is not exceed 18 kg with whole equipments while it is capable to be carried with it is special carrying bag.
Because it is independent; It does not need any material that is not available in its bag. And the bag can easily be carried by anyone.
Because it is easy to use; it is very easy to attach or detach rods each other and you can recover the core easily by knock-out rod.
Because it is fast; Bulldrill has a very high penetration rate because of its thin wall thickness and precisely designed impregnated diamond bits.