Tungsten Carbide Coring Bits, Tungsten Carbide Non-Coring Bits, Tungsten Carbide Reaming Shells and Tungsten Carbide Casing Shoes are in the scope of the tungsten carbide product group and manufactured complying with the standards. Besides, drag bits and auger bits are manufactured using tungsten carbide in order to meet the needs of customers.
According to the usage there are two types of tungsten carbide bits; coring and non-coring. TC coring bits are set as octagonal shaped and inserted in to the crown of the bit. This type of core bits are primarily used in geotechnical soil investigation and core drilling, if the ground formation is composed of clay, sand, gypsum or soft shale as soft formation.
The other one is TC Non Coring Bit, is used for open hole drilling and hole cleaning where core samples are not needed. BARKOM GROUP is manufacturing TC Non Coring Bits size beginning from 46 mm to any requested size.
This type of bit is extremely cost effective and flexible drilling solution when it is used in softer unconsolidated formations.
According to the usage there are two types of tungsten carbide bits; coring and non-coring. TC coring bits are set as octagonal shaped and inserted in to the crown of the bit. This type of core bits are primarily used in geotechnical soil investigation and core drilling, if the ground formation is composed of clay, sand, gypsum or soft shale as soft formation.
The other one is TC Non Coring Bit, is used for open hole drilling and hole cleaning where core samples are not needed. BARKOM GROUP is manufacturing TC Non Coring Bits size beginning from 46 mm to any requested size.
This type of bit is extremely cost effective and flexible drilling solution when it is used in softer unconsolidated formations.